ROUND2 - This is Bathurst Triathlon Clubs Opening Triathlon Round of the 2024/25 Season with Separate Women & Mens events and Junior Skills development Triathlons.The Main Senior event is the 2024 Annual Women’s “You Decide” Triathlon will start
around 8:10 to 8:15am and has a selection between two cycle courses – The
Standard “Historic” 11mile track or a 10-lap ride on a 600m Closed Road circuit.
The event will have a rolling start with the participants who plan to do the
11-mile Drive Course starting first followed by the Stanley Street Lap CourseThe Men’s Triathlon is a support event will start with a
rolling start at 8.00am, with participants seeding themselves for the start. The Junior Event divides the kids into Boomer and Joey Junior
Triathlons are expected to have the briefing at 9:15am with the boomers to
start approximately 9:30am followed by the Joeys Event.