Kids (under 12)Short - 200m Run / 50m Swim/ 200m RunLong - 400m Run / 100m Swim / 400m RunKids under 12 will run within the Terrey Hills Swim Centre grounds.Adults/ kids Over 12Short 1.4k Run / 200m Swim / 1.4k RunLong 2.0k Run / 400 Swim / 2.0k RunRun course is the same as previous sanctioned club biathlon events. Event name changed to Aquathlon in keeping with TA definitions.
Event was 269 days ago
Additional Information
NSTC Summer Aquathlon – Short(Friday, 12 January 2024)
Discipline: Aquathlon
Distance: Enticer
Legs: Run (short) 1 km, Swim (short) 200 m, Run 1 km
NSTC Summer Aquathlon – Long(Friday, 12 January 2024)
Discipline: Aquathlon
Distance: Enticer
Legs: Run (long) 2 km, Swim (long) 400 m, Run 2 km
NSTC Summer Aquathlon -kids long(Friday, 12 January 2024)
Discipline: Aquathlon
Distance: Kids
Legs: Run 0 km, Swim 100 m, Run 0 km
NSTC Summer Aquathlon -kids short(Friday, 12 January 2024)
Discipline: Aquathlon
Distance: Kids
Legs: Run 0 km, Swim 50 m, Run 0 km
Key Details
VenueTerrey Hills Swim Centre, Terrey Hills
Terrey Hills Swim School, Myoora Road, Terrey Hills NSW, Australia