
Technical Officials support the enjoyment and safety of triathletes at all levels and have an influence on their experiences at events.

AusTriathlon has developed a Technical Official education process to ensure our Technical Officials are well equipped with knowledge and training to support the safety and compliance of our athletes. We endeavour to keep providing our Technical Official community with opportunities to connect, grow and excel.

Find Technical Official opportunities or learn more about the Technical Education Framework below.

Become a Technical Official

Enrol in a Course

General Principles

Technical Membership

Nominate for an Event

Become a Technical Official

Becoming a Technical Official is easy with free training and support that is provided both online and face-to-face. Some of the benefits of becoming a Technical Official are:

  • Free AusTri Membership – Officiate and enjoy the perks of a free AusTri membership*
  • Give Back to the Sport
  • Flexibility – Officiate when not competing.
  • Boost Your Club – Earn extra points for your club at participating State Club Championships.**

Technical Officials are also:

  • Required to hold a Working With Children Check/Vulnerable People compliance.
  • Covered by AusTriathlon Insurance for their work in regards to triathlon events (as long as all membership and credential information is valid)

By committing to these standards, AusTriathlon accredited Technical Officials have the skills and knowledge necessary to provide the highest quality compliance environment.

Ready to take the next step? Contact AusTriathlon via email below.

* Officials can access free Social, Basic or Standard membership or discounted Premium membership by officiating at a certain number of sanctioned events across a season.

** Participating State Club Championships – Please refer to competition rules in your state for more information.

Enrol in a Course

For the Level 1 course, there is an online option to complete the theory component. The course is completed in two sections:

  • Modules 1-9 touches on the National Officiating pathway, requirements for accreditation, general rules, warnings and penalties, protests and appeals, and workplace safety. Each module will include multiple choice questions which must be answered correctly before moving onto the next module.
  • Module 10 includes officiating behaviours and scenarios. Participants will be given access to this section which will be completed while speaking with their State/Territory Technical Officer or representative so that they may answer any questions you may have.

Once Module 10 has been finalised, a participant will need to complete a Field of Play assessment at an event, along with having presenting a valid Working with Children Check, and a AusTriathlon membership (a Technical Official AusTriathlon membership is free of charge).

You can register for the course here. You’ll be required to add the course to your cart and complete the checkout process (course is free of charge). You’ll receive login details via email and you’ll have 30 days to complete the course.

For any enquiries, please email our technical coordinator and include which state/territory you are from.

Community Officiating General Principles

General Principles

The Community Officiating General Principles online course has been developed to assist officials in learning the basic skills they will need to officiate effectively.

The online course is provided by the Australian Sports Commission and is available free of charge to Australian officials.


To enrol in the course and for more information, go to the Australian Sports Commission website. From here you can access the online learning portal and obtain further information on the course requirements, including viewing some ‘taster’ pages.

Technical Membership

Accredited technical officials must hold an active AusTriathlon core membership as well as a technical add-on membership to be provided insurance coverage when officiating at sanctioned events.

Technical Official membership is free and rebates are available to officials based on their contribution to the program.

Nominate to Officiate at an event

Ready to officiate at an event? Your next step will be to head over to our nomination platform, this will be sorted into state-specific collections of events.

Please note: In order to nominate for an event you must have the following;

  • A current AusTriathlon Technical Official Membership
  • A valid and current Working with Children Check
  • A current LTO, RTO or ATO Accreditation provided by AusTriathlon

Once nominated, you will be contacted by your state coordinator if you have been picked for a technical team.

* Please sign in to JustGo with your Technical Official profile before clicking the above link.