Travel Insurance

What to Consider When Racing or Training Abroad

Many of our members travel abroad for racing and training so we’ve put together some hints and tips to consider when planning your trip.

We know the main focus will be the race, followed by the travelling to your destination. However, you also need to make sure you have thought about your insurance for training and racing and planned for all eventualities.

If you are overseas and have an accident or cause an accident you may require both personal accident and public liability insurance. These can both be very complex and expensive if you are uninsured.

A brochure summarising Travel insurance can be found below

Travel Insurance

Standard or Premium Members

AusTriathlon provides access to a single trip International membership upgrade which includes travel insurance that is specifically designed for triathlon and other multisport activity.

Provided you are racing this also covers any incidental travel associated with the trip ie. Either side of the race.

This provides cover for emergency medical expenses, repatriation (and lots of other features you’d expect from a travel insurer) for those training and racing overseas.

You may already have your own travel policy. Most standard travel insurance policies will not provide cover for sports events or sports training such as triathlon, especially if the activity is deemed the primary purpose of the trip. If you have an existing travel policy we strongly recommend checking the details as you may not have cover for training or racing.

If you are taking part in an event, you can also check with the organiser to see whether they provide insurance.

Professional Licence Holders

This travel insurance is already included for professional members of AusTriathlon with a Professional Athlete add on.

Age Group Teams

Travel Insurance is also arranged for Members of Age World Championship teams who have paid their team contribution fee.

Other Authorised Travellers
Travel insurance is also provided to support staff, technical officials and others where specifically authorised by AusTriathlon.

Note: Coverage does not extend to travelling companions or dependants unless specifically authorised by AusTriathlon.

If you have an accident:

  • Take a moment to collect yourself and assess your injuries. If you are able to; make a note of the date and time of the incident, details of any witnesses and photos of the location.
  • Contact your insurer for guidance as soon as possible – this could be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful claim. In some cases medical treatment may need to be approved by your insurer – so check from the outset.
  • Once you get home visit the Insurance Hub to make a claim. You may be entitled to payments for the time you were hospital, or advice if you are being held responsible for an accident.

International Travel Member Upgrade

Are you travelling overseas to compete in any triathlon events?

Current AusTriathlon Standard and Premium members** can upgrade their membership to include international travel insurance. You must have a valid membership for the full duration of your trip in order for this insurance upgrade to apply. If your AusTri membership has expired, you will need to renew your membership before processing the upgrade.

The cost of the upgrade is $380 for a single trip of up to 180 days (a $100 discount is applied for AusTriathlon Premium Members). Bicycles are covered under the policy as a baggage item ONLY and so are subject to the limitation of a baggage item including cover as one item (including wheels/parts etc.) up to the sub limit of $5,000, and no cover whilst in use (whilst riding). AusTriathlon does NOT have an affiliation for bike insurance, however we recommend taking out an annual bike insurance policy with another provider with worldwide cover.

**The Travel insurance upgrade is only available to Australian residents

Disclaimer: All explanations on the following pages are summary only and are updated regularly however insurance schedule T&Cs apply and may override what is written. Please refer to the V-Insurance Hub at and policy wording for more comprehensive information.